The Gluten Free Scallywag - Australian Recipe Blog, Cookbooks and Brownie Boxes Margaret River

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What is Coeliac? - Part 1

For those of you who don’t know or are new to the Coeliac/Gluten Free world Coeliac Disease is a medically diagnosed disease treated by a life-long gluten-free diet. (Unless of course if someone manages to find a cure!) Coeliac Disease is an auto-immune disease not, as many are lead to an allergy (which is rather different).

Coeliac Disease is when the lining (villi) of the small intestine is damaged due to the consumption of gluten. Resulting in our bodies being unable to absorb all of those nutrients from our food, hence why many can become very unwell and/or their symptoms can be - constipation, bloating, wind, pain, diarrhea, fatigue and low-iron (anemic – as I was).

Gluten is the protein (or in cooking it’s what gives cakes and pastries its’ elasticity) found in wheat, rye, barley and oats, hence why Coeliac’s must obtain a life-long gluten free diet free from these ingredients. This will allow the lining of the small intestine to repair itself giving Coeliac’s the ability to absorb those nutrients that were previously being passed straight through their system.

Being diagnosed with Coeliac Disease or having a family member, friend or colleague diagnosed means that there is a change of lifestyle and although that can be very daunting to begin with, I have found that although I sometimes get a little depressed when the person across from me has a huge bowl of pasta or a hotdog from outside Bunnings, it is SO worth sticking to as you feel so much better for it!

NOTE: Gluten Free Logo C/- Coeliac Society of Australia
NOTE: I am not a dietician or doctor all of the above information is what I ahve collected from various books, etc, if you believe you have any of the above symptoms you should visit your doctor.

For Further information see the sites on the right under:Coeliac References for the land of Oz...