Berry Muffins (DF)
It was my birthday on the weekend - yes thats right I'm a day older than I was the day before! Needless to say I was totally spoilt (last year, I received my gorgeous dark blue Kitchen Aid which has had a quit a workout!)and had a fabulous day which, funnily enough started at midnight as I was up making dessert and my man promptly decided that as it was my birthday I should get my present - like now! which explains the 'Flash' which is for my new (3months old) Canon 450, it has a little stand and is infra-red, as we all know flash from a camera on food ain't so pretty but light from other angles is good. Of course I do take photos of objects other than food so this should come in handy then too!
I was awake at 8am on Saturday, my mind already ticking over the list of what I had to do before brunch - package Gluten Free Peanut Butter Cookies, clear table, bake Tomato, Rocket & Feta Tart, bake mini bacon and zucchini muffins, shower and dress. Firstly I took the time to open what had a arrived in the post and I was very excited as
had bought me two of the books at the top of my list! I am now am the proud owner of
'The Gluten Free Almond Flour Cookbook'
which is written by the amazing Elena from
by Erina McKenna the owner of Babycakes NYC which is the top of the list for when I (finally) go to New York. However, I didn't have a time to look through the cookbooks (much) I had to get cooking!
2 hours later and there was a pile of cake tins in the sink that was looking rather precarious (I'd given up on the use and clean theory that is so necessary in my tiny kitchen!) but the cookies were packages in their little blue bags and the cupcake stand had been assembled and housed 12 Sour Cream Lemon Cakes. I was having issues extracting the Tomato, Rocket & Feta tart from its tin (a loose based rectangular tin is top of the baking needs list!) but perseverance and a little squooshing later it came out of its tin and was totally presentable. It is here that I might add that no photos were taken - whoops! I must say that we managed to eat all of the food (there wasn't THAT much) and at about 3.30pm everyone scooted off home, I must admit I was a little happy about this as another 30minutes and I think I'd have fallen asleep on the spot. So we washed that last of the dishes and had a bit of a nap - I blame it on the Champagne!
However it would be rude to tell you about all that food and then sign off so I thought I'd leave you with the Gluten & Lactose Free Muffin Recipe which my lovely brother rated a 4 out of 5 stars.
Gluten Free Scallywag Gluten & Lactose Free Berry Muffins
155g Gluten Free SR Flour
200g castor sugar
115g Nuttelex (or other dairy/lactose free spread)
115g mixed berries or your favourite (fresh or frozen)
115ml rice or other lactose free milk
70g almond meal
2 eggs, lightly beaten
1tsp vanilla
1tsp Gluten Free baking powder
Beat the margarine and sugar together until creamy. Add the eggs slowly, mix, add the vanilla and milk. Add the flours and baking powder in two batches, mix until combined. Fold in berries.
Spoon mixture into 15 cupcake liners and bake for 20minutes in a 175Deg oven. Remove from pans and allow to cool.
Will keep for 2-3days in an airtight container - they didn't last that long though! Enjoy by them selves with a coffee or drizzle a simple icing over the top for a bit of morning decadence!