Strawberry Frozen Yoghurt (EF + NF)

Last weekend I had an absolute ball photographing this divine strawberry frozen yoghurt. It's creamy and so very 'fresh strawberries in your mouth!' YUM!

That you really can't help but have a few scoops at a time on a hot morning, again in the afternoon and then as a little sweet treat after dinner....? But soon it's all gone and you have to make it over again....

So, I'm back in the kitchen , because yes, I've already eaten it all! So, of course, I couldn't help, but share it with you. Now, please go, buy strawberries and get frozen strawberry yoghurt-ing!
This recipe is linked to Celiac Teen's January Edition of Go Ahead Honey - It's Gluten Free!
'Follow the Calendar' theme and I've chosen Strawberry Ice Cream (cum-frozen-yoghurt) Day (which, yes, fell a week and a half ago -oops!).
Strawberry Frozen Yoghurt
Makes approximately 1Litre(Very slightly adapted) from David Lebovitz - The Perfect Scoop
500g fresh, sweet strawberries, washed and hulled
250g gluten free greek style yoghurt
3/4cup sugar
1tsp strawberry liqueur
In a bowl combine the strawberries, sugar and liqueur. Stir and leave aside to sit for approximately 30minutes, until the sugar has dissolved.
Pour the strawberries, their delicious juices and the yoghurt into a blender and buzz until smooth.
I like my frozen treats smooth, so I pressed this mixture through a fine sieve to remove the strawberry seeds, however there is no need for this step if you aren't as fussy as me!
Pour the mixture into your ice cream maker and process according to instructions.
Pour into a suitable freezer container and freeze.
Scoop & enjoy!