Chocolate Brownie Icecream (EF)

So, clearly this post is a little later than my facebook teaser mentioned, but sometimes life gets in the way. In my case that's involved lots of phone calls to contractors (thanks to a kitchen renovation) and calls to insurance agencies and removalists because we're moving house!
It's all very exciting and I can't wait to share with you our new neighbourhood, but you'll have to wait a little while until we've moved and got a little settled, so if it seems a bit quiet round here - that's why!
However, apart from going through my old books and clothes and recycling and selling a few items (anyone in Perth in need of a new couch?) I did have time (a little while ago that is) to make this delicious ice cream with the leftovers from making these little gluten free chocolate coated hearts for valentine's day.

This ice cream is gorgeously velvety and creamy and unlike my photos is gorgeously cool and well... frozen. Thanks to a string of 35+ degree days, here in Perth, my photos do not really convey this particular element of the ice cream. No worries though, the ice cream soup pictured was equally delicious!
After making a few ice cream recipes I've decided I definitley prefer the eggless ice cream recipes. I can have that extra scoop without feeling like I've overindulged... which I have anyway, but that's totally beside the point! Which do you prefer egg or eggless home made ice cream?

So grab out your ice cream machine and those leftover brownie bits and get freezing!
Gluten Free Chocolate Brownie Ice Cream with Toasted Almonds
Ice Cream Recipe adapted ever so slightly from David Lebovtiz's The Perfect Scoop
Makes approximately 1.5L icecream when the brownie is added in
560ml cream
180g sugar
50g cocoa
180g dark chocolate (I used half milk and half dark), chopped
250ml milk
2tsp vanilla
chunks of leftover gluten free brownie - about 1 1/2cups
1/3 cup almonds
In a medium saucepan whisk together the cream, sugar and cocoa and bring to the boil. Whisking frequently, it will begin to foam up. Turn off immediately and whisk in the chocolate until melted. Add the milk and vanilla and transfer to a blender. Buzz until smooth, transfer to a 1.5L container and refrigerate until cold.
Mean-whilst, toast the almonds in a tray in the oven on 180 for approximately 8-10minutes. Toss tehm around on the tray once whilst toasting. Remove from oven allow to cool. Chop roughly. Break up the brownie into small chunks and set aside with the almonds.
Once the ice cream mixture is cold churn in your ice cream maker according to the instructions.Transfer a third of the ice cream to your container sprinkle with half the brownie chunks and almonds. Add another third of teh ice cream and the remaining brownie and almonds, top with the remaining third of ice cream and freeze.
Serve in chilled bowls and enjoy those super chewy frozen brownie chunks hidden in creamy chocolate ice cream!