Chocolate Espresso Cookies (EF + NF)

Yesterday, we took part in the 5km walk/run (I walked) for Run Melbourne. If you follow me on twitter you may have seen the pre-walk pic that I shared. I was happy to have hit my goal of raising $100 for Ovarian Cancer Australia, and as I had promised,
I doubled every dollar up to that $100 that my friends and family helped me to raise . We'll find out if I get a few more dollars from my workmates when I find out my time on Tuesday.... 42minutes, was my goal, but after feeling less than 100% I really didn't push myself, so I may not have hit that goal. Although, it was fun to run the last 50m and sprint ahead of my man! Although, he wasn't really trying so I'm pretty sure that doesn't count....
I was super happy to enter this worthy event where entrants can fundraise for some 300+ Aussie charities as not only is it a worthy cause but also, I was never competative as a child. I never ran anything , infact, I suck as a runner. I was pretty damn good at breakstroke and whilst, yes, I was part of the team that one our year 7 mixed team netball championship, that was the last (and only I think) time I won a trophy or got a medal.

Needless to say, I was a little bit over-excited to receive my lil' medal at the end of yesterday's Run Melbourne event. So much so that I insisted on having a photo with it and proceeded to wear it all the way home!! Which we walked, by the way, so make that 1 x 5km walk plus another 6km-ish home.
Once home and with a second breakfast in our bellies afternoon munchies hit and lets face it, if ever a gal deserves cookies with her coffee, it was yesterday!
These cookies are crunchy , they're not heavy, they're light and they have that lovely hit of espresso , which, lets face it, when mixed with chocolate is just deeee-licious! Also, they're only sweetened with some leftover condensed milk from making my gluten free caramels, which somehow makes me feel better for eating a couple!
Gluten Free Chocolate Espresso Cookies
Makes Approximately 25 cookies
130g dark chocolate
120g butter
125g gluten free all purpose flour
100g quinoa flour
1tsp gluten free baking powder
1tblspn instant coffee, dissolved in 1tblspn hot water
2tsp vanilla essence
90g condensed milk
1 cup white chocolate chips (optional)
Preheat oven to 170deg Celcius and line two baking trays with baking paper.
Melt the chocolate in a heat proof bowl over hot water. Once melted leave aside to cool slightly.
Cream together the butter and condensed milk. Meanwhilst sift of whisk together the gluten free flours & baking powder. Add the flours, coffee, vanilla & cooled melted chocolate to the butter mixture and mix to combine. Add in the chocolate chips and combine.
Roll tablespoons of mixture into balls and place a few centimetres apart on the baking trays. Press down lightly with two fingers or a fork. Bake for 12-14mins.
Allow to cool on trays. Will keep for up to 2weeks in an airtight container.
Perfect with a cup of coffee or crushed and crumbled over vanilla ice cream with a dash of espresso!
Of course, I've made many other gluten free cookies if you don't want these ones with your coffee, so have a peak and enjoy some gluten free muesli, orange or spice cookies instead.