Honey & Spice Bundt Cake (NF)

I'm glad that I'm not a big one for New Year's Resolutions because my home has been filled with biscotti, cake and left over rumballs since christmas. Infact there are still a few of the delicious (and super rich) gluten free rum balls that my Mum made me for christmas calling to me..... so, I'm thankfull that I didn't decide to detox/diet/pass on all sugary goods this month as it just wasn't going to happen!
Now, that isn't to say that I haven't been eating healthily or slothing on the couch, because I have got my butt out of bed early to hit the gym and pound the pavement around my local park with a friend this month and I will continue my exercise regime...

... however, when my man calls me up after a long ride (mountain biking) asking if maybe G & K can come over for an impromptu lunch in an hour I immediately say yes! Why? Well, see, my lovely man got me a bundt tin for Christmas and I've been dying to try it out! In fact it was Mary, The Food Librarian, who got me so hooked on 'needing' one of these bad boys in my kitchen, really this girl is mad over bundt cakes!So, if ever my man was to blame someone else for convincing me to need 'yet another baking pan' I'm pointing him in the direction of the lovely Mary (in the nicest, loveliest, I'll end up with cake at the end of this, kinda way!)
Before we get to the delicious gluten free bundt cake though, might I share with you the scrumptious quiche I made for our impromptu lunch...

Looks good doesn't it? Well, it was! It was crispy and creamy in all the right ways and the recipe will be shared as soon as I have the gluten free pastry down pat (this recipe was super crumbly and unroll-able - it came down to 'squash it in the pan time' after the 5th broken roll out!) promise!
Now.... for that lovely, moist, perfect with a scoop of vanilla ice cream gluten free bundt cake....
Gluten Free Honey & Spice Bundt Cake
Converted from Donna Hay Magazine
100g rice flour
70g tapioca flour
40g corn flour
1tsp xantham gum
(Or use 210g plain gluten free flour)
1tblspn gluten free baking powder
2tsp ground ginger
1tsp mixed spice
pinch nutmeg
180g honey
180g golden syrup
180g light brown sugar
360ml milk
130g butter
gluten free icing sugar, to dust
Preheat your oven to 170Deg Celcius and spray or grease (really wel) a 10cup bundt tin.
In a medium saucepan combine the sugar, honey, golden syrup and milk until the sugar has dissolved and the the ingredients are combined. Remove from the heat and allow to cool.
Put the gluten free flours, baking powder, spices and butter into the food processor. Buzz until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs. Scrape down the sides and replace the lid.
Turn the processor on low and slowly pour the cooled honey mixture in. Buzz until smooth. Add the egg and buzz until the mixture is smooth again. Make sure you put the cover back on the spout of you food processor as this mixture is very wet and will splatter!
Pour into the greased bundt tin and bake for approximately 40minutes, or until a skewer inserted comes out clean. Remove from the oven and allow to cool for ten minutes before inverting the cakes onto a cooling rack.
Once completely cool dust with a little gluten free icing sugar.
Keeps for up to one week in an air tight container...that is, if it doesn't get gobbled up first!