Carrot, Pumpkin & Lentil Soup (DF, EF, NF + V)

Of late I've been awfully side tracked... life has changed a little after our move, because, well....we not only moved homes but states too !! Yep. We're now residing in the fabulous city of Melbourne, Victoria! It's a gorgeous city, Melbourne, and one I can't wait to explore a little more....of course, we've already been visiting the Prahran Markets and even located some fabulouslocal gluten free eateries.

Of course, if you follow me on twitteryou may have noticed a few tweets mentioning the lovely experience that is 'attending interviews', as I was also on the job hunt. Luckily, that hunt is over and I'm now settled in a position that is conveniently located just a short tram ride away - YAY! The team at the office is sad to hear that I'm gluten free "awww no cookies!" was the first exclamation! However, I think that with this gluten free brownie, these gluten free cookies and maybe something new... they'll be converted in no time!

A few weeks ago I made this delicious soup, in my kitchen which is slowly coming along ! It's warm and conforting and I love the sweetness of the pieces of carrot found by your spoon. The lentils make this a super hearty soup and the aromatics of the ginger and garlic make it a good winter soup. Add some cayenne pepper to get the metabolism going.

Rustic Carrot, Pumpkin & Lentil Soup
Warms 6-8 bellies
1 brown onion, peeled and diced
1cup red lentils, soaked overnight and rinsed
Half a butternut pumpkin, deseeded and peeled
4carrots, peeled
1 celery stick,
1tsp ginger
1tsp minced garlic
1.5L gluten free vegetable stock
salt & pepper to taste
Once you've de-seeded and peeled the pumpkin, cut it into medium sized pieces or approximately 5cmsq. Cut the carrot into 1.5cm rounds and slice the celery into half centimetre 'crescent's. Set aside.
Heat a large splash of olive oil (about 2tblspn) in a large pot and saute onions until soft and translucent. Add the ginger, garlic, carrot and celery. Saute for a minute or two until the aromas of the ginger and garlic are wafting beneath your nose. Add the lentils, pumpkin and the stock to cover and simmer for approximately 1-1 1/2hours or until the soup is of a thick consistency and the vegetables are soft. Season to taste and serve as is, rustic and charming with gluten free bread.
I love coming across the large pieces of sweet carrot. Yum!
Can also be cooled and blended if you wish.
Will keep for 3-5days in an air tight container in the fridge. Suitable to freeze if blended.