Sponge Cake (DF + NF)

...or any sponge for that matter! But my happiness at this is because of a few things:

a. I've never seen a sponge made

b. I've never made sponge before

c. I've heard its easy to...well... screw up

d. I love sponge (esp with jam and cream)


Gluten Free, The Gluten Free Scallywag, GF, baking, cooking, recipe, sponge, cornflour

So, what did I do? I bounced up and down around the kitchen totally elated, until my man helped me get it out of the tin as it had stuck to the bottom a little and he fixed this by shoving a knife in it! Obviously, I hid that... I also took photos and sent elated text messages

'My first ever sponge and it worked - well I haven't tasted it yet!'

and to my mum

'ooh wow looks like it worked beautifully'

and my good friend

'Awesome! Mine are always crappy'

Well, I must say that i will definitely be perfecting this recipe even further, I'm thinking of a ginger spiced sponge with alcoholic berries and marscapone cream.... but I thought I'd give you the basic recipe for now. I think it needs some vanilla as it does taste a little egg-y however considering that I made trifle (possibly the messiest un-trifle looking one at that)I don't think this is of great consequence for now! However, I don't want to play with the recipe without testing it, so for now this will be known as the:

Basic Gluten Free Sponge

Gluten Free, The Gluten Free Scallywag, GF, baking, cooking, recipe, sponge, cornflour, lactose free, custard, lactose free custard, trifle

3/4 cup Gluten Free cornflour

3 eggs, separated

1/2cup castor sugar

1 tsp Gluten Free baking powder

1 pinch salt

Beat egg whites till stiff, do not over beat until dry!

Whilst this is happening sift together the flour salt and baking powder twice.

Add egg yolks to egg whites and beat together, gradually add sugar until beaters leave a trail' in the mixture.

Sift the dry ingredients on top of the eggs and gently fold in.

Bake in a greased 20cm round pan for 20minutes at 180C.

Remove from pan immediately after removing from oven, being careful not to apply pressure or you (or your man) will squash it!

Allow to cool and top or cut in half (gently) and fill with your favourite filing.

I broke mine up to make possibly the...

Messiest & Quickest Gluten & Lactose Free Trifle (ever)

Well the trifle was an absolute HIT with the girls, especially as I made a Lactose Free version for one of my girlfriends! (pictured above)

This recipe uses one sponge as above plus:

Quick Lactose & Gluten Free Cheats Custard

2 tblspn Gluten & Lactose Free Custard Powder

1-2 tblspn castor sugar (depending how sweet your preference is!)

2 cups Gluten Free Rice Milk (or plain milk)

Place powder and sugar in microwavable jug, pour a little milk and stir to form a paste, slowly add the rest of the milk, stirring continuously. Microwave on high for 2-3minutes* stirring every 20seconds after the first minute. Allow to cool slightly.

* Time will depend on wattage of your microwave and quantity of custard being made.

Alcoholic Berries

2 cups frozen or fresh mixed berries

1 tblspn desired port, muscat, etc

In a small pot place ingredients and over low heat cook for 10-15minutes until berries begin to fall apart and a sauce forms. Remove from heat and allow to cool.

To make the trifle grab a glass bowl or individual glasses (I used a take away container seen as I was on the move and knew that the leftovers would be kept at the hostess' home for eating later!) and layer the sponge, berries and custard until you run out, finishing with custard on the top. A few more spoonfuls of port, etc can also be pour on top of the sponge with the berries for more 'flavour'.

Refrigerate for a couple of hours and remove from fridge half an hour before serving so that the trifle isn't fridge cold.

Some make a berry jelly and top with whipped cream, however seen as I'm not a fan of jelly and this was a lactose free trifle neither were added!

Trifle in my opinion is best made at least a day ahead a it give the sponge time to soak up all the lovely flavours of the berries.

Jasmine Ann Gardiner

A photographer with a penchant for baking gluten free. Author of The Gluten Free Scallywag blog and cookbooks.


Chocolate Cupcakes


Chicken & Leek Pie (NF)